Shell Beach - Tarbert
Shell beach is very well known locally and one of the most visited spots in Tarbert by both locals and tourists. It is a small beach cove, where in summer the water is beautifully clear and the sound of the water gently lapping at the smooth rocks is relaxing, and the view out across Loch Fyne is a great one too.
The beach is totally made up of broken shells from clams and queenies. A factory here used to process this food source and the shells were then dropped into the water offshore some years ago. This went on for some time and gradually these shells were washed up against the shoreline at the end of the Pier road. They used to be many many whole shells there but now most of them are broken, however its a special place especially for the people of Tarbert, one of which when children want to go somewhere, one of the places most visited by them is 'Shell Beach'.
Have a look at the photos to see this natural beauty spot, take a nice relaxing stroll along the Pier road to the very end and have a look for yourself, stop and admire the beauty and if you arent sure where it is, ask any local, they will be glad to help you on your way.